Saturday, December 8, 2007

Derby Basics

Once ij is set up, you can try the following commands at ij-prompt:

Creating a database 'MyDB'
ij> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:MyDB;create=true';

Opening a database
ij (CONNECTION1)> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:MyDB';

Creating tables, inserting records and displaying records is as per standard SQL command set

To close a connection:

Java DB / Apache Derby Operating Instructions (Fedora)

ij is an interactive SQL scripting tool that comes with Derby. It can be used with the Derby Embedded JDBC driver or with a client JDBC driver, such as the Derby Network Client.

Upon setup of Java EE SDK (as per my tutorial), do the following

$ export DERBY_INSTALL=/opt/SDK/javadb
$ export CLASSPATH=DERBY_INSTALL/lib/derby.jar:DERBY_INSTALL/lib/derbytools.jar

$ java

This will start IJ, with the IJ prompt ij>

Play MP3 in Fedora without hassles

After fiddling along with GStreamer, Totem, Rhythmbox and more such stuff, I discovered an easy way to play MP3s (though not AAC):

Use LimeWire's in-built media player. Its a simple solution, and I really dont know why it took me so long to figure that out. For those heavy-users of LimeWire, its a handy tool, and avoids the mess of having to install MP3 codecs for hte default players.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

FireFTP tested for the first time (5th Dec 2007)

FireFTP, the Firefox-based file transfer utility was tested today
successfully. The test was carried out on the Brinkster-hosted
CSI-TCET website. This opens ur another world of opportunities, with
me now being able to manage a website, irrepective of the accessing

Sameer P. Karve
Mobile: +91-98-3344-2464

IEEE Member ID 80599447

Sameer P. Karve
Mobile: +91-98-3344-2464

IEEE Member ID 80599447

Sameer P. Karve
Mobile: +91-98-3344-2464

IEEE Member ID 80599447