Sunday, March 23, 2008

Log: Fedora 8 installed

Not much time to write, but just that I installed Fedora 8 on the evening of Saturday, 15th March 2008. Bought the DVD from a pirated-DVDs vendor sitting at the GKB Optolabs corner ;)

Pulling the plug on Orkut

Drat ! I had written a really lengthy article under this heading....only to realise that my logging out from orkut caused me to loguout from blogger as well !! When will service providers stop this stupidity? Why does the average Joe need to know that orkut and blogger are both operated by the same company, namely, Google Inc, and that all sites belonging to them store and delete a login cookie bearing the same signature?

To mention a gist of what I had written in the previous article, I've finally decided to quit orkut, owing to their lack of concern for safegauarding the privacy of their users, as also a complete loss of relevance of the services it offers, as seen in my rapidly evolving context.

I bid adieu at 19:27 on Sunday 23rd March 2008...