Monday, April 21, 2008

A taste of Java ME

I returned home from college on Thursday (17th April 2008), after completing my Sem-6 project. And I immediately set to work on the B.E. project. The first task was to grasp the structure of Java ME.

Started with it that very day, and made great headways.
Continued my upstream struggle for the next two days, and today,
I am sitting comfortably, 
with significant knowledge of the platform
to atleast begin designing my project in a native fashion.

This article is only for chronicling purposes

Java EE installation problem on Fedora 8

Java EE server may refuse to install on Fedora 8. You end up clicking on the link, and nothing happens, ever. So, here's what you do.

Open the terminal. Become root. Invoke the .bin file of Java EE from the terminal itself. You are likely to get a 'no such library' message. The library is something related to C++. Now, unfortunately, I forgot to blog when I had actually found the solution to the problem. So, I am not listing the steps below, as I usually do, but instead, all I can say is that please google the complete error message you get at the terminal. You should find the solution in a few clicks.

The solution basically involves adding the C++ library, which is a measly 250 KB (approx). Then, try running the .bin file again. It should work this time....

Skype 2.0 on Fedora 8

It turns out Skype 2.0 has a hell lot of problems getting to work on Fedora 8. You need not get into the root cause of all those problems. Just implement the fix given below.

Please note:
  1. Although the Skype 2.0 download is about 14.3 MB in size, the 'fix' is a staggering 59 MB. Ridiculous !! But there's no alternative I could come across either.
  2. The entire process of getting Skype 2.0 to work on Fedora 8 may take hours. So, please be patient, and either have some work to do, side-by-side, or sit with your iPod, 'cause you are sure to get bored. However, do not leave the system unattended, except when downloads (esp the 59 MB jumbo download of QT4) are in progress, as your authorisation, and some other actions from your side, will be required time and again.
So, here we go:

Step 1: Download the libsigc++20-2.0.17-1.i386.rpm package:
# wget
# rpm2cpio *.rpm | cpio -idmv

Step 2: Create directory /opt/libs32/ if you don't have it yet:
# mkdir /opt/libs32

Step 3:Copy and to /opt/libs32/ directory:
# cp ./usr/lib/ /opt/libs32/
# cp ./usr/lib/ /opt/libs32/

Step 4: Install everything that has anything to do with Qt4:
# yum install qt4*

Step 5: Download the skype- rpm package from and enter command in terminal:
# rpm -i --force --nodeps skype-

Step 6: Give the path to those libraries:
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/libs32/"

Step 7: Now you can run skype by typing:
# skype

The section mentioned above will only get the application to install and boot up on your system. In no way does it guarantee a problem-free run. Try making the Skype Test Call. If you are able to hear the sound as well as record and hear your own voice, congrats !! However, the chances of this occurence (of Skype running straight out of the box) are minimal, if any.

Here's the most likely condition. Skype Test Call fails to load, citing 'Audio playback problem'. To fix this, go to Options -> Sound Devices. The default 'Audio In', 'Audio Out' and 'Ringing' devices are unlikely to work. First, we will fix the 'Audio Out' problem, so that we can atleast get started with the Test Call. Select an option (apart from default) from the 'Audio Out' device menu. Click on Apply. Close the Options box. Try to make a test call. Keep repeating the procedure until the error message disappears, and you are able to at least hear the lady's voice.

Then, comes the next problem. The call might terminate due to 'Problems with Audio Capture', as shown in the call window. Again, go to Options -> Sound devices -> Audio In. Here, usually, the same option that worked for 'Audio Out' is likely to work for 'Audio In' as well. So try that option first. If it doesn't work, go ahead and try each of the other options one by one, just as you did for 'Audio Out'

After doing all this, you should be able to hear and record your own voice succesfully. In case it still doesn't work, maybe you could try invoking skype with this little piece of code i found somewhere on the net....

$ pasuspender skype

Happy Skyping !!


Some content used from the following sites:

Full credit to the authors of the articles on the above mentioned sites