Saturday, November 17, 2007

Server @ home

Having solved the JSP/Servlet problem, a new one arose. The problem of plenty, as I would like to call it.

By now, I know too much. Or more correctly, too many technologies. To fuel my hunger for knowledge, I had ended up downloading all the servers of the world (or so I think). Now, I had the following:
  1. Microsoft IIS 5.0
  2. Apache HTTP Server 2.2.4
  3. Apache Tomcat 6.13
  4. Java EE Server 5 Update 3
  5. PHP Engine 5.2.2
My current default test site is hoster by Brinkster, which is a big fan of Billu (Bill Gates). So it provides only ASP and .net hosting (atleast under the Windows hosting scheme). That leaves me with a big bottleneck. Where do I test my products? Ofcourse, localhost is always an option. But it doesn't come anywhere close to the feel of a remote server. So, in principle, what I needed was a multi-protocol (so to say) remote server at my command.

And the only solution I saw, is t make my own PC as a remote server. I knew that PCs behin firewalls cannot be accessed. Googling revealed that what I needed to do was port forwarding. More googling brought up a site A really useful resource. Looked up my model number, did a few things. Also looking up other tech forums, finally managed to get this thing done as well.

Now, I have my very own remotely accesible web-server at home!! How did I do it? Read the next post....

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