Monday, November 19, 2007

4GB: Plans

Now you must be wondering that if I've gone in for such a huge upgrade (by my standards), I must definitely be looking forward to doing a lot of things with it. What would they be? Here's a glance:

I've made the card purchase for Rs. 3,380 from (thru their online credit-card based payment service PaisaPay, which I guess is the desi version of PayPal). Its a 4GB Memory Stick Micro (M2) for my Sony Ericsson K790i, which was gifted to me by my parents on the occasion of my 20th birthday in March 2007. All along, I made do with the default 64MB memory card that came in the package.

First things first. Is this card, an overhyped acquisition? NO. There are a lot of things to it. Firstly, ever since the invention of the iPod, it has become customary to carry your entire media collection (music, photos, videos, et all) on your portable device. The PC's role has been limited to downloading that content from the internet (officially, through iTunes store, or more popularly, over P2P networks like Gnutella/LimeWire), and feeding it into your portable media player.

P2P content is more popular, although illegal, because of the fact that it does not content DRM (Digital Rights Management, lookup, and hence, it is not locked onto a particular proprietary device. If you are a techie, I don't need to explain to you the importance of non-proprietary content.

So, the first and foremost use of the 4GB card is to store ALL of my media in one single location, and more importantly, always have that media with me, wherever I go. Now you must be wondering as to why am I laying such great stress on the media? It is because I own a precious collection of nearly 500 Hindi songs, that have been painstakingly collected from various sources. To add to that, a lot of effort has gone in tagging them with correct album, artist information and album art.

(--- Returning after a break, caused due to call with Petu, for a staggering 36 mins (avg call duration: 36 secs) -----)

(---- And another break, caused due to a call with Silent Assassin, lasting......ummm, forget it, didn't notice (This dude bought a K810, and needed some troubleshooting advice) ----)

Forget it, I'll complete my blog, there have been too many interruptions, and I need to have dinner.. Cya soon

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