Saturday, November 24, 2007

Firefox installation on Fedora Core 6

Whew! After all that effort, I finally managed to upgrade the age-old Firefox 1.5 that comes bundled on the FC6 CDs. Here's how:
  1. Login as root
  2. Download the installation file (extension tar.gz) to your desktop
  3. Double-click to open
  4. Extract to /usr/lib/firefox
  5. Shut down all running copies of firefox, including download windows, if any
  6. Delete the firefox 1.5.x.x folder present in /usr/lib
  7. Open terminal
  8. $ yum install compat-libstdc++-33
  9. Proceed throught the installation process, giving Yes (y) wherever required
  10. Right click on the "Web browser" icon in the icon bar (on top) and select properties
  11. Change the command to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox
  12. Restart the system
  13. Firefox is all yours
P.S. Trash all the manuals and how to's found around tthe net. All of them are incomplete in some respects.

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